Saturday, December 23, 2023

New sanctions against Russia

 The new and existing sanctions against Russian natural resources is going to have a good effect upon  countries producing commodities. 

South Africa is the major supplier of platium group metals and a smaller supplier of diamonds.

The above ground stockpiles of excess PGMs is likely to be exhausted in the next six months so the price of platinum that has languished after falling back will shoot up then. All PGMs prices are likely to stay higher for a longer period.

Uncut diamonds prices are likely to increase less as it is easy to avoid sanctions by Russia. South Africa  developed the Kimberley process so that diamonds origin could be traced so as to avoid profits from countries at war receiving funds from this source.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: Climate change hoax !

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: Climate change hoax !: Yes the climate is never stable and is constantly changing, a natural phenomina ! Now major politicians of all Western countries have climbe...

Monday, October 2, 2023

1.Illegal Immigration Ruses.......2 The State of worldMarkets and how to possibly profit!

 I.. There are some disoncerting rumours out there at the moment. There seems to be a grain of truth to some,such as the large amountof people heading for the southern border of the USA are being encouraged by a  organised by a shadowy organisation! This and weak laws to help these individuals can evemtually weaken the USA. 

In Europe there organisations some with government help such Germany that are encouraging these indivduals to try their luck.This whole situation is then encouraged by the religious leaders, not for alturistic reasons but because their base of believers is growing the fastest in Africa and obviously they hope this will fill their coffers as their own European base wanes! 

All this is very disturbing as  the various countries taxpayers have to pay heavily for these illegals at their expense!

2.The JSE as well as other stock exchanges have have gained very little in capital gain over the last five years on the major stocks. With inflation running rampant the measly gains could be said to be treading water! If how ever there is a settlement of the war in Ukraine and China cuts back on agression threatening invasions of Taiwan and other territorry of the Phillipines ,etc. then with a firmer good future shares would surge and especially our metals and minerals.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

War's effects !

A troubling time  for the world indeed !

The fact that gold has finally  shot up shows that there is a great deal now about the path ahead for business and commerce in general.

The main worry is that there might be a prolonged war in the Ukraine Russia saga! A lesser worry is that more lethal equipment is being used and might go as far a nuclear bombs in which case many red lines would be crossed causing a major irreversable crises!

We in South Africa are facing our own crises due mostly due to our inept politicians.

This coming month i.e. August the BRICS Group meet here in South Africa as they are far left leaning in ideas! 

Rumours are flying that they want to go back onto the gold standard of sorts. We all hope this is not true as Russia and China are trying to under cut the American Dollar as the worlds leading currency. If we go along with this idea we must remember how we suffered when we were one of the last countries to dump the gold standard some where around the nineteen thirties!

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Marking Time!

 South African stocks are on a slow decline at the moment ,as they have been for the last five months.

The reason of course is our government dithering over which side to take in the Ukraine war. Our major trading partners are in the capitalist west.Russia wich has clevery given South Afrrica a place with other gaint socialist countries because of our consideable mineral wealth.

Russia helped the present government with murderous arms in their so called freedom struggle. The white government gave over because of pressure from the capitalist west. None of this now counts as we are slowly edging towards a one-party state!

At the moment the AGOA agreement is in jeopardy ,which allows us to export over a hundred items to the USA with out duties. Russia and China just want our minerals and have scant regard for rules and regulations. This the trade union movement will find out to their detriment if the Brics nations win this struggle. They contribute nothing to our well-being at this sage. See the right hand side column for the latest updates.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Mantashe: Exploration funds July; Lorimer: Mining new deal can create poverty-busting jobs

Mantashe: Exploration funds July; Lorimer: Mining new deal can create poverty-busting jobs: The first R500-millionworth of mineral exploration funds will be available from July, Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe told Parliament on May 16 when Shadow Mineral Resources Minister James Lorimer stated that a new mining vision can create new poverty-busting jobs and assure a flow of tax revenues to underpin the goods and social services that South Africa needs. “Give mining a new deal and it could strike a mighty blow against poverty,” said Lorimer.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Cobalt’s battery-powered boom has turned to bust

Cobalt’s battery-powered boom has turned to bust: A blistering rally in the cobalt market is turning into a rout, putting pressure on miners and offering tentative cost relief for carmakers after a surge in battery metal prices last year. Cobalt rallied sharply early in 2022 as demand for electric vehicles surged. But while automotive usage is still rising, there’s been a sharp drop-off in buying from another key sector – Chinese electronics – and cobalt prices have crashed more than 50% since a peak in May.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Green hydrogen moves by China, India boosting outlook for platinum group metals

Green hydrogen moves by China, India boosting outlook for platinum group metals: The firm embrace of the new green hydrogen and hydrogen fuel cell future by China and India is a huge twin boost for Southern Africa’s great platinum group metals (PGMs) endowment, Mining Weekly can today report. Hydrogen technologies have a special relevance for South Africa as most of the PGMs that are needed for the related technologies are hosted and mined in South Africa, which also offers for itself excellent sources of renewable energy through its superior sun and prime wind.

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now !

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now ! :   The best one can do now is hold onto sections of stocks ...