South African stocks are on a slow decline at the moment ,as they have been for the last five months.
The reason of course is our government dithering over which side to take in the Ukraine war. Our major trading partners are in the capitalist west.Russia wich has clevery given South Afrrica a place with other gaint socialist countries because of our consideable mineral wealth.
Russia helped the present government with murderous arms in their so called freedom struggle. The white government gave over because of pressure from the capitalist west. None of this now counts as we are slowly edging towards a one-party state!
At the moment the AGOA agreement is in jeopardy ,which allows us to export over a hundred items to the USA with out duties. Russia and China just want our minerals and have scant regard for rules and regulations. This the trade union movement will find out to their detriment if the Brics nations win this struggle. They contribute nothing to our well-being at this sage. See the right hand side column for the latest updates.