A troubling time for the world indeed !
The fact that gold has finally shot up shows that there is a great deal now about the path ahead for business and commerce in general.
The main worry is that there might be a prolonged war in the Ukraine Russia saga! A lesser worry is that more lethal equipment is being used and might go as far a nuclear bombs in which case many red lines would be crossed causing a major irreversable crises!
We in South Africa are facing our own crises due mostly due to our inept politicians.
This coming month i.e. August the BRICS Group meet here in South Africa as they are far left leaning in ideas!
Rumours are flying that they want to go back onto the gold standard of sorts. We all hope this is not true as Russia and China are trying to under cut the American Dollar as the worlds leading currency. If we go along with this idea we must remember how we suffered when we were one of the last countries to dump the gold standard some where around the nineteen thirties!