Friday, July 27, 2018


A small run is taking place in certain mining  minerals for the first time in more than a decade.Great stuff!
 We always forecast this happening as over supply as a n expanding world  population would result in shortages.
Now individual stocks such as platinum  are coming back into demand and it would seem a more settled world would would increase the demand further. Do remember mining houses do have to keep back monies to look for further mine-able sources so are less likely to pay dividends,but on the other hand are safer bets  in troublesome times. Do look at the updates in the side-bar as well as the posts below.

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now !

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now ! :   The best one can do now is hold onto sections of stocks ...