Friday, October 25, 2019


0ver the last two years there has been a phenominol increase in the capital value of platinum group metals as can be seen by by the increases of those in the know. The PGM mines although coming off a low base have" shot the lights out in giddying increases !"  
We personally hold directly and indirectly through ETF's,AMPLATS,IMPALA,NORTHAM SGLand have just bought the highly speculative stock  JBL. 
SGL is quoted under the gold sector in the indicis at the moment. A great hybrid as it mines both gold and platinum group metals.
The platinum sector is relatively new and the gold sector is likely to wind down in a decade or so. The gold sector helped pay for the platinum sector's development.
 Do have a look at the right hand side column to see the latest mining update lists.

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now !

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now ! :   The best one can do now is hold onto sections of stocks ...