Monday, December 27, 2021

Billionaire-backed African Rainbow buys mothballed platinum mine

Billionaire-backed African Rainbow buys mothballed platinum mine: African Rainbow Minerals, backed by South African billionaire Patrice Motsepe, agreed to buy Anglo American Platinum’s mothballed Bokoni platinum mine for R3.5-billion. The deal comes after the world’s biggest platinum miners declared record dividends this year as rebounding demand for their metals from automakers bolstered earnings. African Rainbow, which has investments spanning manganese to gold, is looking to leverage an asset that was mothballed before the surge in platinum-group metals over the past few years.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Use renewables to cut carbon and create hydrogen, use hydrogen to cut diesel – Cutifani

Use renewables to cut carbon and create hydrogen, use hydrogen to cut diesel – Cutifani: Use renewables to cut carbon and create hydrogen, and then use the hydrogen that has been created to replace diesel. Anglo American CE Mark Cutifani proposed this climate blueprint while also outlining his London- and Johannesburg-listed mining company’s entry into crop nutrients that can free up land for carbon sinks.

See page updates in  right side column for December 2021
Special resources updated 20/12/21, Mine holdings 21/12/21,Gold and Platinum 22/12/21

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Green hydrogen market presents huge opportunity for Africa – Mantashe

Green hydrogen market presents huge opportunity for Africa – Mantashe: The green hydrogen market presents a huge opportunity for Africa to position itself as a global competitor in future green energy markets, Minerals Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe has told the Africa Energy Week. Countries such as South Africa and Zimbabwe, the Minister said, possessed global reserves of platinum, which could help the continent to spearhead fuel cells production.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

UPDATE 123456qwerty

The mineral and metal market has sprung into life this montha nd increases are

 beginning to take place as demand grows. Specualtion is taking a backseat for the


See all the updates in the right hand column


Friday, September 10, 2021


 The reversal has has been greater than we expected this year, how ever  keep in mind that the gaining period of resource stocks has over run itself. Shares never go up in a straight line,but after lagging other sectors for nearly a decade, the pent up shares gains were spectacular.

We  feel that stocks will continue to increase this year at a more sedate pace as there is still room for gains as shartages for metals and minerals will in time become more acute.

 See the right  hand side column for the latest increases

Monday, August 2, 2021


A pull back in most rewsources is under way. Rather a good thing as prices have run ahead of growth in returns. Perhaps a buying opportunity as nothing has changed as far as resources needed in the developed  world continues to grow. Tme now to look at industries that supply the mines and secondry resource stocks such as cement,timber and logistics etc.

See the right hand  column for the latest updates

Friday, June 11, 2021


The Resources market after a magnificent run has levelled off only aslight retraction was seen

1.See my specialist resources in the right hand column .

Time to carefully start nibbling after doing your own reseach

Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Covid reverse spike !

 Causing the loss of capital value

The rapid spread of  the sickness causing major disruption in every sphere of life

Causing the Covid 19 reverse spike last year , all markets fell worldwide almost in tandem  ,all stocks were in shock and it did not matter how good any individual stock was ,nothing could save it from the severe consequencies of the  feeling of helplessness.

Besides the stock exchanges all other economic businesses came to almost total collapse and some are still only starting to recover.

In hindsight none could tell that this was a reverse spike,but as always the stock market was as always first to recover,running ahead of the actual market recovery. 

I have lived through normal market spikes when the market is frothy and then the pullback to normal levels allowing reality to catch up with the initial enthusiasm!

The reverse spike was dramatically brought back to normal with stocks in the resource areas overshooting in price by  March  2021. 

There for we cannot expect to see further capital price increases any time soon.How ever the world needs mineral and metal resources  as the prices of commodities slowly creep up.

With demand returning to normal income from all endevours is strengthening. There will be a more healthy increase  in capital values that is likely to be sustained in the years ahead.   

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

April Update

 The Resource market is now churning and prices are generally waiting for the increase in prices to be reflected in the results,which are now starting to come through.  The world is also still in turmoil.

Russia is  upping the ante by it would seem ,making ready to invade  Ukraine,as they perceive Biden as a weak American president . Probably they will find some excuse and enlarge their enclave in the Ukraine.

This dangerous tactic will again put the world on a dangerous path and this is likely to disrupt mines and cause chaos world wide.

See the righthand column for the latest updates.

Lists 1,2 3 and 4 all updated

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Platium AND Gold 5/3/2021

 Updates since 3/4/2018 to5/3/2021 do your own research as this is only our opinion ,OF THE BEST STOCKS TO HOLD.PLATINUM

AMS    +  400   %

IMP      +1210  %

NHM    +503    %

RBP      +439   %

SSW      +371   %



JBL         + 476  %


EPS         +60     %

GOLD SINCE 3/4/2018

ANG         133     %

DRD         305     %

HAR         172     %

PAN         106      %

GFI        206       %

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now !

BVian's ACTIVE Stock and Share Trading Ideas: The Best One can do Now ! :   The best one can do now is hold onto sections of stocks ...