18/12/2012 The second part of this year has been very good to traders as the pattern has been mostly upwards and as" the trend is your friend" we all should have found it more predictable.This particular blog has almost doubled the amount of users this year.As it is niche site around 200 users per month is enough to encourage us to continue.
WE wish all traders well on the new year 2013 and the best of trading.
Trades now fall away and can be completely unpredictable with very few traders out there.We shall resume this blog around 15/1/2013.
TOPSKN STARTED AT 40 Cents ON 4 Sep NOW 79 Cents A gain of 71%. I held it not selling in the temporary reverses but will get out near the end of Dec ,in case the fiscal cliff alters things.
Well I am glad the last update ran true to form .See the latest tech update on page one.Always keep those stop-losses in place as warrants are very volatile.
If the fiscal cliff s not resolved by year end the volatility will increase even more creating even more opportunities for traders,but one would have to be very fleet footed.
WE wish all traders well on the new year 2013 and the best of trading.
Trades now fall away and can be completely unpredictable with very few traders out there.We shall resume this blog around 15/1/2013.
TOPSKN STARTED AT 40 Cents ON 4 Sep NOW 79 Cents A gain of 71%. I held it not selling in the temporary reverses but will get out near the end of Dec ,in case the fiscal cliff alters things.
Well I am glad the last update ran true to form .See the latest tech update on page one.Always keep those stop-losses in place as warrants are very volatile.
If the fiscal cliff s not resolved by year end the volatility will increase even more creating even more opportunities for traders,but one would have to be very fleet footed.