Well the market has been particularly dead this year,as far as warrant and other derivative traders go.It is normlly a bad time to trade as every one is in a relaxed holiday mood around the year end.Now things are likely to get back to normal,with market makers and traders on their toes..Volatility is picking up making trading worth while again.
Out-side the normal shares that I mention once in a while ,because of corporate action involving a major restructure comes along where extra ordinary profits can be made with ordinary vanilla warrants Such an event is the selling of Skandia by Old Mutual ,as the saga continues there is likely to be more to be made up to the LDT date. OMLSBD would have netted over 200% since last month.Now the share to buy is OMLSBE which has shot up100% in this momth already.
Remember the Stoch is only a guide and other chart indicators should be used to make your decision to trade.Always only my opinion.
Shares at 80% up which are likely to bump along the top before becoming fully overbought are; AGL,BIL.AMS,EXX,IMP,KIO,SAB,SOL...Fully overbought is ACL
The index share TOPSKK is in the same position and is likely to run this week before again pausing and becoming fully overbought.
Out-side the normal shares that I mention once in a while ,because of corporate action involving a major restructure comes along where extra ordinary profits can be made with ordinary vanilla warrants Such an event is the selling of Skandia by Old Mutual ,as the saga continues there is likely to be more to be made up to the LDT date. OMLSBD would have netted over 200% since last month.Now the share to buy is OMLSBE which has shot up100% in this momth already.
Remember the Stoch is only a guide and other chart indicators should be used to make your decision to trade.Always only my opinion.
Shares at 80% up which are likely to bump along the top before becoming fully overbought are; AGL,BIL.AMS,EXX,IMP,KIO,SAB,SOL...Fully overbought is ACL
The index share TOPSKK is in the same position and is likely to run this week before again pausing and becoming fully overbought.